Fast, Reliable, Home Computer Help, 1-1 Tuition & Support!

London based Two-Wheel-Techie will zip to your home or office and solve your computer and tech related headaches.

If you know something is not working, just doesn't seem right or you need some 1-1 Tuition to learn how to do something that is preventing you from being productive then it most likely can be fixed or a better solution found. A No Fix-No Fee policy for intial visit problems applies. Get in touch and take a look below at some the areas the Two-Wheel-Techie can help with.

1-1 Tuition

Direct help and training on any subject from basic computer usage, iPad, mobile phone, managing files, shopping online to using online services and social media. A bespoke solution can be tailored to your needs and remote help is also available when required.

E-Mail & Calendar

Is your e-mail service sluggish or are your messages poorly organised? Could there be a more suitable e-mail service or could you setup your existing service differently? Are your e-mail and appointments appearing correctly across all your computers and mobile devices? Do you need a calendar that you can share with friends and family?

Printing & Scanning

Having trouble getting your printer to scan or communicate with different computers? Trouble getting your phone or digital camera to print photos directly to your printer?

WiFi & Networking

Getting a good WiFi signal around your home can sometimes be diffcult or do you want to get WiFi to a seemingly unreachable part of your house? Unsure whether your internet is slow because of problem in your home or with your internet service provier or your WiFi setup?

Password Managment

Using the same password for multiple websites and services? Having trouble remembering passwords? Learn how to remember only one password for everything and make yourself more secure at the same time.

Backup & Security

Automatically save all your personal documents, music and video to a safe place be it in your home or remotely. Digitally and securely store important information that you use infrequently but will be availble at a moment's notice when you need it.

Hardware Upgrades

Most existing equipment can be upgraded rather than replaced resulting in significant savings. For example, changing the type of disks inside an older computer or adding more memory can often provide faster performance and an improved experience for day to day tasks without replacing all your equipment.

Contact Two Wheel Techie